Den ultimata videobloggkameran: Canon Legria Mini X!
Perfekt för alla som vill videoblogga med bra filmkvalitet och ett fantastisk kvalitetsljud! LEGRIA mini X med Wi-Fi ger rent ljud av CD-kvalitet och ett brett dynamiskt omfång. Tack vare den unika kombinationen med ultravidvinkel, det inbyggda stativet och den vinklingsbara LCD-skärmen kan du skapa filmer med lika bra ljud som bild.
(English at the end)
CyberPhoto skrev så här när de testade kameran:
Canon Legria mini X ger mycket väl godkänd filmkvalité med fisheye-effekt, och fantastiskt bra ljud. En mycket lättanvänd och suverän produkt för bland annat bloggare, skådespelare, föredragshållare, intervjuare, musiker, läkare, eller helt enkelt alla som vill kunna filma och lyssna på sig själv.”
Legria Mini X har även utsetts till bästa livsstilsvideokamera av EISA.
PS. Köper du kameran innan den 31 december 2015 så får du en massa godsaker på köpet från Canon!
LEGRIA mini X – a creative camcorder that delivers professional quality audio alongside stunning HD video to match. Ideal for everyday story-tellers, the LEGRIA mini X merges Canon’s signature video quality with advanced sound and a highly flexible design, making it ideal for almost any kind of video capture – from on-the-scene reporting, documentaries and self-recording, to capturing live music or theatrical performances.
The LEGRIA mini X delivers outstanding audio thanks to a new large built-in stereo microphone. An improved two-layer structure of mesh cloth and sponge within the microphone, and the increased size, reduces background noise and static – making it ideal for recording conversations or interviews on location. The camcorder also offers a wide dynamic range, allowing it to faithfully replicate the silence of a concert hall before a performance starts, right through to the thunderous sound of the percussion at its conclusion.
Thanks to its Linear PCM recording functionality, the LEGRIA mini X also delivers uncompressed, high-density audio and ensures sound sources are captured in realistic, CD-quality. Additionally, new terminals for headphones and external microphones provide increased recording flexibility – perfect for interviewing subjects or fine-tuning volume levels in noisy environments. For instant results, Canon’s Audio Scene Select technology includes a number of pre-set modes, which once selected, automatically optimise sound settings for various scenarios such as music or meetings.
LEGRIA mini X Key Features:
- Large Stereo Mic; Wide Dynamic Range
- Linear PCM – CD quality audio
- 170° ultra-wide¹ angle lens
- Vari-angle LCD; built-in stand
- Wi-Fi: remote monitoring & sharing
- Switch from ultra-wide to close-up
- Full HD, AVCHD & MP4 support
- Detection orientation
- Manual audio control
- Slow & Fast motion; interval recording